English for Academic Purposes Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
BALEAP launched three Special Interest Groups (SIGs) at the 2018 AGM. The SIG themes were chosen after consultation with the membership through a survey in 2016. The SIGs, and the accompanying Special Interest Pages (SIPs), are very much in an emergent state and we will further involve members in their development at every stage. There will be some activity related to the three existing SIGs at the next BALEAP conference in Leeds, so keep an eye out for information and publicity in the coming weeks and months. The membership will be further surveyed with regards to the future roll-out of SIGs, and the exec committee would welcome your ideas for future SIGs . We will be reporting further on the SIGs at the next AGM at Leeds and will collate any comments or suggestions that we receive before then to present at that meeting.
Current SIGs and their pages (open in new tab):
From: https://www.baleap.org/projects